Interview with our Maestro Mezcalero

José Pablo caught up with Nock's mezcal master distiller Miguel Martinez for a chat about his process to make Nock Mezcal so special. Here's what he had to say.

What makes Nock Mezcal so special?

What makes Nock Mezcal special is the love & care given to it from the start in the soil to the glass of our tribe. Since we look for magueyes that have matured in due time, that the process takes its due time, respecting everything that has to happen for the flavor to be exceptional. We were looking for a mezcal that, upon tasting it, would take you through the entire process, starting with the natural and earthy notes, continuing with the minerality of the earth and water of the area and ending with that smokiness so characteristic of mezcal. The complexity of this mezcal tells us about the passion that Miguel Martinez shows in each production process. That is why our master distiller does not look for high volumes but rather well-made batches completely made with love and with the help of his family and for a brand like NOCK that has a purpose and vision very aligned with the values ​​of those who work with him.

The Tahona

How did you become a Master Distiller?

For many generations this has been a profession that has been inherited from generation to generation, Miguel has learned techniques that he remembers from his grandfather and logically with his father his greatest teacher, today Miguel applies his own techniques that he has acquired with his own experience.

The Horno de Tierra

What do you love about being a master distiller?

The transformation! The transformation we make of maguey until it becomes mezcal, the smells, working with this wonderful and magical plant which has been our livelihood and seeing the entire process until it becomes such a wonderful spirit is incomparable. Seeing the work of the land and our hands to create this mezcal together is a gift of life. And obviously see how people enjoy it LOL

Fermentation Tanks

What trends do you see in distillation?

Have your own style, having a unique and differentiated job, respecting the traditions of each family / tavern, not wanting to advance times, respecting the processes that have been done for many years, with minimal support from technology unless it is for a completely substantial improvement that does not harm these ancestral broths. Pure and natural products without additives or artificial flavors and colorings.

What concerns do you have about the industry?

Large companies want to monopolize the market, the use of additives, the overexploitation of the land, the enrichment of the entire productive chain except for the people who actually work the land and the mezcal processes.

What would you like to be doing in 5 years?

The same but sharing the product together with the Nock team in many countries around the world.

Describe a perfect moment and the people with whom you would share a glass of NOCK.

A delicious mezcal fresh from the distillation, at high levels of alcohol with our NOCK friends/family, eating delicious homemade Oaxacan food.

How do you live a life that you want to remember every day?

Making mezcal, see people enjoying our mezcal, I do what I love, the tavern is where I feel in home, where my hands can show the love I have for these lands that have seen me born, grow and that have given me so much.

Nock in Process!

Interview with our Maestro Mezcalero

José Pablo caught up with Nock's mezcal master distiller Miguel Martinez for a chat about his process to make Nock Mezcal so special. Here's what he had to say.

José Pablo caught up with Nock's mezcal master distiller Miguel Martinez for a chat about his process to make Nock Mezcal so special. Here's what he had to say.